$1,000 gift certificate for wedding dresses

Date: Mar 19, 2020
$1,000 gift certificate for wedding dresses

The wedding season is at its high, so we've prepared for you a wedding gift!

A $1,000 gift certificate that you can use to buy any wedding dresses at pearl.wedding.

How to get it free?) Take part in our lottery till 05.08.2019.


What to do?

  1. Come to our giveaway post in Instagram by link https://www.instagram.com/p/BziQleYog7-/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link.
  2. Click Like button under that post and subscribe to our accounts:
  3. Mention as many of your girlfriends as possible in the comments under that post with @.
    Like this: @friendsname
    1 comment - 1 girlfriend (no repetitions)
    And remember: the more there are comments, the better are your chances.
  4. ‼It's important‼ Each new comment should be marked with a corresponding sequence number which would be taken for the lottery. Just look at someone's last post in the comments with @Friendsnames and add 1 to its number.
  5. Republish that post in your Stories in Instagram with mark @pearl_wedding_official.
  6. Open your profile on the day of the lottery and find out the number and the name of the winner. Maybe it will be yours!!!.

The winner will be determined 06.08.2019 by a random number generator at random.org and will receive a $1000 gift certificate for purchase of wedding dresses.

Attention: business profiles, work profiles, blank profiles, and bloggers do not count.
